معرفي كشور اتريش |
حاكميت و تشكيلات سياسي (Sovereignty and Political Structure) نوع و ساختارحكومت دولت فدرال جمهوري دموكراتيك | Type and structure of the government Federal Government of democratic republic | نام رئيس جمهور و سال انتخاب الكساندر وان در بلن - سال 2016 | Name of the president and the year of election Alexander Van der Bellen – 2016 | طول دوره رياست جمهوري شش سال | The length of presidential period 6 years | نام وزير امور خارجه الكساندر شالنبرگ | Name of minister of foreign affairs Alexander Schallenberg | نام وزير بهداشت | Name of minister of health Brigitte Zarfl | نظام پارلماني | Parliamentary system: bicameral federal legislature: National Council and the Federal Council. | جغرافيا و جمعيت (The Geography and Population) مساحت | Area 82,409 km² | جمعيت كل | Total population 8,767,292 (2019) | درصد جمعيت (بر اساس نژاد يا اقوام) | Percentage of population (based on race or ethnicity) German 88.6%, Turkish 2.3%, Serbian 2.2%, Croatian 1.6% and others 5.3% (2001) | پايتخت | Capital Vienna | جمعيت پايتخت | Population of the capital 1,898.000 (2019) | تعداد استانها | Number of provinces nine provinces (Länder) | شهر هاي اصلي | Main cities Vienna, Graz, Linz, Salzburg, Innsbruck, Klagenfurt | كشورهاي همسايه | Neighboring countries Germany, Italy, Swiss, Slovakia, Hungary | مقدار مرز مشترك با جمهوري اسلامي ايران | The amount of common border with IR of Iran 0 | نام مرز رسمي ( گمركي) با جمهوري اسلامي ايران | Name of customs border with IR of Iran | تعداد ايرانيان مقيم | Number of Iranian residents 20,000 (2015) | زبان رسمي | Official language German | دين رسمي | Official religion Catholic 73.8% (includes Roman Catholic 73.6%, other Catholic 0.2%), Protestant 4.9%, Muslim 4.2%, Orthodox 2.2%, other 0.8% (includes other Christian), none 12%, unspecified 2% (2001) | زبانهاي رايج ( محلي / غير رسمي) | Common languages (local /unofficial) German (official nationwide) 88.6%, Turkish 2.3%, Serbian 2.2%, Croatian (official in Burgenland) 1.6% and others 5.3% (2001) | درصد مسلمان در كشور | Percentage of Muslims in the country 4.2 | درصد با سوادي | Literacy rate 99% | نرخ رشد جمعيت | Population growth rate 0.42 (2018) | |
تاریخ به روز رسانی: | 1399/04/04 |
تعداد بازدید: | 1192 |